The Round Table Dialogue Series: The Great Leadership Awakening

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Did you catch us on Facebook Live for Part 1 of The Round Table Dialogue Series: The Great Leadership Awakening?

Rha Goddess, NYT bestselling author & founder of Move the Crowd & our founder, Lori Hanau had an incredible 60-min discussion on everything from the unconscious beliefs that keep us stuck in stale hierarchical dynamics, to the foundations & healing practices of shared leadership.

Here are a few of our favorite snippets of wisdom from Lori & Rha:

“The containers we’ve been operating in are insufficient. The current structures have no room or space for our intentions, which leads to tension and conflict. It’s an either/or way of operating rather than both/and."--Rha Goddess

“Shared leadership is the practice of bringing out the greatest capacity in everyone! It’s about being responsible for – and engaged in – the well-being and vibrancy of the whole.”

If you and your organization are ready to experience more collaboration, innovation, and human-centered ways of working, you can watch the full conversation here.

And stay tuned for more info to come – we’re already excited for Part 2: The Requirements of Cultural Transformation, coming up this June!

Here’s what people are saying about The Round Table Dialogue Series:

Yesterday's conversation with Lori and Rha was so inspiring and empowering!

It totally made my day! – Christine Callahan, Business Support Liaison at The Masiello Group

“I was able to tune in to the conversation and it was beautiful. Grounded while inspiring. Spontaneous, but born of long practice. Spacious and unrushed but packed with insight and depth. A favorite line? When you talked about how every word and deed is an act of leadership.

I deeply appreciate the loving, dignified relationship we were allowed to witness between two evolutionaries walking their talk. Thank you for this and all your work.” – Jocelyn Rassmussen

We hope you check it out on YouTube– and look forward to seeing you live next time!


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