Our Team &
We can’t do the work of sharing leadership and power without our Team & Collaborators! We are proud to be part of a movement of leaders, organizations, and networks committed to human-centered design and often work together toward a higher purpose with the following Collaborators across a variety of systems work.
Our Collaborators
Beth Tener
John Bruce
Hala Abdul Malak
Marc Lesser
Rha Goddess & Move the Crowd
Shilpa Jain
Austin Willacy
B Storytelling
Eugene Uman & The Vermont Jazz Center
Carson Kelly - Compassion 2.0, Benevolent.ly and humanize.com
Luea Ritter
Brian & Cara Bradley
Clemens Pietzner
Peter Strugatz
Warren Nilsson
Our Client Partners
We are grateful for the partnership and shared commitment to the long-term cultural transformation and systems change of clients who we consider partners. Together, we partner in The Shared Leadership Journey™ and our shared lifelong commitment to spiritual, leadership and business development with the following teams:
Our Networks
Each of the networks we belong to – whether regional, national, or international – help to create and deepen relationships across a variety of sectors, building equity, sharing regenerative practices, and using business as a vehicle for positive social, economic, and environmental change.
We are honored to collaborate within these communities to create healthy and meaningful shifts on both the personal and systemic levels.
American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN)
B Corporation Movement
Carol Sanford / Change Agents in Regenerative Practices
New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR)
Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR)

Our Inspiration & Influences
We are blessed by the inspiration and influence of all the following leaders and organizations as we developed The Shared Leadership Framework™ and The Shared Leadership Journey™.
These teachers have deepened our understanding of perennial wisdom and universal principles, modeled bravery and wholeness, pursued justice, spirituality and shared philosophies and practices that cultivate the genius in us all.
The Natural World
Ken and Carol Hanau
Angeles Arrien
Martin Luther King Jr.
Joan Borysenko
Ram Dass
Thich Nhat Hahn
Buckminster Fuller
John Bruce & Forward Mapworks
The Schumacher Institute
Institute for Noetic Sciences
Social Venture Network
Marlboro College M.B.A. Program: Managing for Sustainability
Gifford and Libba Pinchot & Bainbridge Graduate Institute